In these days
computerized accounting has become a necessity for every business. Computerized
accounting is a best way to maintain the accounts in easy and accurate mode.
With the help of computerized accounting, you can easily maintain all
accounting books like cash book, bank book, and sale registered, purchased
registered etc.
Tally is one of
the most simple and complete business solutions available in the world. Anybody
who has a basic knowledge of accounts can use Tally. It is easy to learn,
configure and use Tally. Tally is not only a computerized accounting package
but it is Accounts on computers.
Advance Features:-
Ø Simple
Ø Basic
Financial Management
Ø Advanced
Inventory Management
Ø Technology
Ø Multilingual
Ø Vat/Service
Tax/ E-TDS/Dealer Excise/FBT
Tally Gold and Tally
when we run Tally for the very first time the activation
form dialog box get displayed in both single and multi user licensing system.
Activation Form
Serial : 742152870
: 54645Ai455
: rohit@yahoo.co.in
Tally Gold for multi
user :-
your company runs on a local area network (LAN) and require that Tally be
installed on all the computers connected to the network then you need to
activate multi-user license i.e. Tally Gold. In this process, one computer is
designated as the License Server and all others as License clients.
Tally Gold for single
user :-
user licensing allows the deployment of Tally on a single computer with an
option of activating it online or offline. You can also choose to use the same
Tally license on another computer, by surrendering the license activated on a
computer and reactivating it on the other. An offline user takes the request
file generated by Tally, to a computer, which has internet connectivity, and
activates the license.
Manual vs. Computerized Accounting
Manual Accounting:-
manual you first create ledgers, carry forward previous year’s closing balance
as opening balance for the current year. Next year, when you create a new
books, again you create all the ledgers and enter opening balance. In manual
you are required to pass journal entries to transfer closing balance of all
nominal account to prepare profit and loss account. Whenever you need to know
balance of any ledger, you are required total amount in both debit and credit
columns of the ledger and compute the difference to derive the closing balance
for the ledger as on that date.
Computerized Accounting:-
you opt for computerized accounting first time, you have to create all the
ledgers and enter opening balance and classify at this stage. Therefore, you
enter all transactions through voucher entry. That’s all you have to do and
everything else (like posting to ledger, preparation of trial balance, final
accounts etc.) is done by the Tally itself.
Tally 8.1 vs. Tally 9
(A) New features added in
Tally 8.1
Ø Multilingual
Ø Language
Ø Phonetic
Ø Print
Ø Restoration
of Tally 7.2 ver Data
Ø Display
Ø Data
Ø Fringe
Benefit Tax
Ø Excise
for Dealers
(B) Enhanced Features in
Tally 8.1
Ø Tally_resp.slk
Ø Tally
Data files
Ø Loading
Ø Close
Ø Copying
Text From Tally to Windows
Ø E-Mail
Ø Multi-accounting
Ø Cost
Centre Class in Stock Journal
Ø Migration
Ø Migrating
Ø Forex
(C) Problems Fixed in
Tally 8.1
and FIFO valuation method
Ø Valuation
Ø Average
Ratio Analysis
Tally 9
(A) New Features added in
tally 9
Ø Tally
Ø Multilingual
Ø Statutory
and Taxation
(B) Enhanced features in
Tally 9
Ø Statutory
Compliance for
migrated to Tally 8.1 in Tally 9
Ø Budgets
in Tally9
Ø Display
of TDS Bifurcations
Ø Display
of Bank Reconciliation Date in Form 16A
Ø Printed
Price list
Ø Cost
Centre with Scenario
Ø Stock
item with different Rates in invoice
Ø Negative
Quantity Warning
Ø Exclusion
of Groups for Payment and Receipt Vouchers
Ø Report
Title in Multi-Account Printing
Ø Display
of Credit Days
Ø Altering
Single Groups in Multi Group Alteration Mode
Ø Altering
a Forex Purchase Transaction
Ø Display
of Surcharge in Credit Note
Ø Period-wise
VAT forms
Ø Order
of Ledgers in Purchase Invoice
Ø Invoice
against the Sales Orders with Additional Ledgers
Ø Purchase
Ø Staggered
Ø Interest
on Loans to Sundry Debtors/Creditors
Ø Period
in TR-6 Challan
Ø Setting
Off Excise Duty Credit against Service Tax Payable
Ø Display
of Date of Deposit/Payment in Form 16A
Ø Inclusion
of New ST3 Form
Ø Printing
Cheques in foreign currency
Ø Import
of Statutory Masters
Ø Display
of VAT Computation Report
Ø Display
of VAT Return report
Ø Export
of E-TDS report

Accounting: - Accounting
refers to the actual process of preparing and presenting the accounts. In order
words, it is the art of putting the academic knowledge of accountancy into
practice. It covers the following activities:
Identifying the transactions and events
Measuring the identified transactions and events
in a common measuring unit
Recording the identified and measured
transactions and events in Journal
Classifying the recorded transactions and events
in ledger
Summarizing the classified transactions and
events in the forms of Income Statements and Position Statement
Analyzing the summarized results
Interpreting the analysed results
Communicating the interpreted information to the
interested parties.
Accountancy: - Accountancy
refers to a systematic knowledge of accounting. It explains ‘why to do’ and
‘how to do’ of various aspects of accounting. It tells us why and how to
prepare the books of accounts and how to summarize the accounting information
and communicate it to the interested parties.
Book-keeping: - Book-keeping
is a part of accounting and is concerned with record keeping or maintenance of
books of accounting which is often routine and clerical in nature. It only
covers the following four activities:
Identifying the transactions and events
Measuring the identified transactions and events
in a common measuring unit
Recording the identified and measured
transactions and events in Proper Books of Accounts
Classifying the recorded transactions and events
in ledger.
Entry System: - Double entry system of book-keeping has emerged in
the process of evolution of various accounting techniques. According to it,
every transaction has two-fold aspects-debit and credit and both the aspects
are to be recorded in the books of accounts. For example, purchase of furniture either the cash balance will be
reduced or a liability to the supplier will arise.
Advantages of double Entry system: -
system the under mentioned advantages:
By the use of this system the accuracy of the
accounting work can be established, through the device of the trial balance.
The profit earned or loss suffered during a
period can be ascertained together with details.
The financial position of the firm or the
institution concerned can be ascertained at the end of each period, through
preparation of the balance sheet.
The system permits accounts to be kept in as
much details as necessary and, therefore affords significant information for
the purposes of control etc.
Result of one year may be compared with those of
previous years and reasons for the change may be ascertained.
It is because
advantages that the system has been used extensively in all countries.
Golden Rules of Accounting
transactions are recorded on the basis of the Double entry System Golden rules
of debit and credit are given below:
Personal Account 2. Real Account 3. Nominal Account
the receiver Debit what comes in Debit all expenses and losses
the giver Credit what goes
out Credit all incomes and gains

Golden Rules of Accounts
![]() |
![]() |

Accounts Nominal Accounts

Classification of Accounts: -
1. Personal
Account: - Personal Account relate to persons, debtors or creditors.
Example would be; the account of Ram
& Co., a credit customer or the account of Jhaveri & Co., a supplier of
goods. The capital account is the account of the proprietor and, therefore, it
is also personal but adjustments on account of profit and losses are made in
it. This account is further classified into three categories:
Nature personal accounts: It relates to
transactions of human beings like Ram, Rita, etc.
Artificial (legal) Personal Account: - For business purpose, business entities are
treated to have separate entity. They are recognized as persons in the eyes of
law for dealing with other persons. For example: Government, Companies (private
or limited), Clubs, Co-operative societies etc.
Representative Personal Account: - These are not on the name of any person or
organization but are presented as personal accounts. For example: outstanding
liabilities account or prepaid account, capital account, drawing account.
2. Real Accounts:
- Accounts which relate to assets of the firm but not debt. For example,
accounts regarding land, building, investment, fixed deposits etc., are real
accounts, Cash in hand and the bank accounts are also real.
3. Nominal
Accounts: - Accounts which relate to expenses, losses, gains,
revenue, etc., like salary account, interest paid account, commission received
account. The net result of all the nominal accounts is reflected as profit or
loss which is transferred to the capital account. Nominal accounts are
therefore, temporary.

Gateway of Tally:-
begin working from the Gateway of Tally screen, the control centre of Tally.
So, we first make you familiar with the various components and aspects of
Gateway of Tally.
The Gateway of Tally screen
contains 7 major areas:-
Ø Product
Ø Horizontal
Button Bar
Ø Current
Ø Tally
Ø Vertical
Button Bar
Ø Tally
Calculator/ Command Line
Ø Current
Screen Bar

Calculator/ Command Line Tally Menu
Current Work Current
Screen Bar
Product Info. :-
v Product Name : Software
Name & Version (like- Tally 9)
v Copyright Notice : Copyright Notice (like- © tally
Solutions FZ-LLC)
v Web Link : On-Line Link to tally website
v Tally Logo : The Tally Logo at the center
v User Version : Shows the User Version (like- Tally
Gold Multi User)
Serial Number : Shows the
Registration Serial Number (or –
EDUCATIONAL when unregistered)
Button Bar :-
It contains 2 sets of buttons with
hotkey for:-
- Report Management
Ø Print : To print a Report
Ø Export : To export reports in specified format
Ø E-mail : To email a report
Ø Upload : To upload a report on a website
- Indic Language
Ø Language : To set up default Language for
Ø Keyboard : To set up default Language for data
Current Work:-
Ø Current Period : Shows the current period (beginning
to end
Year) selected through Alt+F2
Ø Current Date : Shows
the current date set through F2
Ø Active Company : Shows the status of last selected
company (the
you are currently working with)
Ø Selected Company : Shows the status of all the Companies
of the company selected)
Tally Menu:-
right part of the Gateway of Tally screen, the gateway of Tally Menu appears
showing the list of Menu Options. Select a menu item to involve a task. You may
have to drill down several levels of Menu till you reach the menu option to
invoke the desired task.
Vertical Button Bar:-
rightmost part of the Gateway, the Button Bar shows several buttons (the
buttons vary according to current screen in work area) with Function Key /
hotkey, to provide quick and directly access to various options & tasks. Depending
on various options set, some buttons may be inactive (the inactive buttons are
Tally Calculator/ Command Line:-
working with Tally, press Ctrl + N
to active Calculator / command line area
(or click on the Calculator handle) to invoke the Calculator to make an
arithmetical calculation and also paste the result in any numerical input
paste the result of an arithmetic calculation at Numeric input field (like
Amount in Voucher), press Alt + C at
the numeric input field to invoke Auto
Value Calculator. Enter the Arithmetic expression and press enter. The
result is pasted in the input field.
Current Screen Bar :-
At the bottom, you get the Current
Screen Bar showing the following details about the current screen being displayed.
Ø Current Screen
Path : It
shows the complete path (form Gateway) of the
current screen (e.g. - Gateway of Tally->Balance
Group Summary)
Ø Current Software : Sows
the Version, Release and the selected language (e.g.-9 Release-1 (English)
Ø Current System
: Shows the current system day & date (like- Fri 10th
Ø Current System
: Shows the current
system time in HH:MM:SS format

Tally, the term Company represents any entity for which an independent set of
Accounts is maintained it may be a Company, partnership Firm, H.U.F,
Individual, NGO, or even a Branch Office for which a set of Account is
Gateway of Tally → Company info. → Create

Fill the information to create the
Company :-
- Data Directory :-
It is the
location where the company stored on the hard disk. To change the location
press backspace key and type the full path of the location, if the folder in
which you want to store the data is not exist Tally will create the folder
- Name :-
Type the name
of the company you want to create. This name will be displayed in all internal
reports. Name should be unique.
- Mailing Name :-
Type the
company name you want to print in all the external reports like invoice etc. It
can be different from the company name and need not to be unique.
- Address :-
Type the
complete address of the company. Address will also print in all external
- State :-
Select the state from pull down
- Pin-Code :-
Type the pin code of the company
- Telephone No. :-
Enter the Telephone number of
- E-mail Address :-
Type the E-mail
Address of the company. Tally will pick this address for Internet utilities
- Currency Symbol :-
Type the symbol
of currency you want to use (e.g.- Rs. For the Indian currency)
- Maintain :-
Select Accounts
only to maintain only accounts, mean you cannot maintain the stock
simultaneously. Select Accounts with Inventory here you can maintain accounts s
well as stock simultaneously.
- Financial Year From :-
Enter the date
of beginning of the financial year i.e. 1st April and the year from
which you are starting your accounts on Tally. You can select any other date
also Tally would close your accounts on the date exactly completing twelve
months from the date you have defined. However you can see the reports of a
particular period by selecting the period from Current Period Option.
- Books Beginning From :-
This is the
starting date from which you want to maintain your accounts. Tally will not
accept any voucher entry of before this date.
- Tally Vault Password :-
Tally Vault
Password will make the name of the company in encrypted form. Extra care should
be taken to given the Tally Vault Password as if you forget the password you
will loose your data.
- Use Security Control :-
Press Y if you want to protect your company through password.
- Name of Administrator :-
Define the user name.
- Password :-
Give the password you want to
retain it will be in encrypted form.
- Repeat :-
Retype the
password you have to given in the last field.
[Tally will ask
for both of the above whenever you want to start work with the company. These
are case sensitive. If you will forget your password then you cannot work with
that company unless until you enter the right password and username. ]
- Tally Audit Features :-
This will
enable you to track the changes in data of your company press Y to activate this feature.
Press N to continue without any security
Press enter or Y to accept the data. Your new company will be created.
Base Currency
Tally sets
proper Base Currency Information (for Indian rupees) and you do not need to
change any information. When you work in other Country then you need to change
the information.
Base Currency Symbol : Rs. / $
Formal Name : Indian Rupees / Dollar
Number of Decimal Places : 2
In Symbol SUFFIXED to Amounts? : No
Symbol for Decimal Portion : praise / cent
Show Amounts in Millions? : No / Yes (its depend the
Put a SPACE between Amount and Symbol? : Yes
Decimal Places for Printing Amounts in Words : 2

Saving the Company Profile : Yes
Company Information Menu :-
Select Company : To Select or load a company
Shut Company : To shut a company
Create Company : To Create a company
Alter : To Alter a company
Change tally Vault : To secure the data by providing a Tally
Vault password.
Back up : If you want to take data of Tally to
some other storage device. (i.e. - floppy, Compact disk etc.)
Restore : When you want to get data of Tally from
some other computers.
means keeping a copy of data at another place for safety. You may take backup
on the Floppy Disk, CD or Hard disk, Pendrive.
Select Backup from Company Info Menu: -
Source :
Give complete path of the current data directory.
Destination : Here give the full path at
which location you want
of your Data.
Name of company : Here select the companies
to be backed up. After
required companies select end of list and
the screen.
Gateway of Tally → Alt+F3→Backup

literally means ‘to bring back’. Similar to backing up of data, Tally allows
restoring of data from any medium into any other storage medium.
Select restore from Company Info Menu:-
Destination :
Here the full path at which location you want to restore your data
Source :
Give the full path at which location backup files has been stored.
Name of Company : Select the company you want to restore.
After selection of requires
companies select end of list and accept the screen.
Gateway of Tally → Alt+F3→Restore

To alter the profile of the company select at Gate way of Tally –Alt+F3
Select company (if more than one company selected). Make
necessary changes you required accept data directory, as it will be invisible
at Company Alteration Screen. Press Ctrl+A to save
the changes.
company Alteration Screen Press Alt+ D to delete the company it will ask
for the confirmation are you Press Y to delete the company.
Gateway of Tally → Alt+F3→Alter

continue with next .....
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ys Tally9..
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position : 102016
Chars: 128(done0)
sir . i have stock in stake item . but it is not showing in sales ledger. please inform me
Sir, although there is Gross Loss and Net Loss in the Profit & Loss Account, it is showing as Gross Profit and Net Profit with (-) sign before the amount. How can I change this error to Gross Loss and Net Loss ?
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Keto SLIM Max; A 2016 review in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that consuming any soy foods may cause beneficial changes to our gut bacteria that may reduce the risk of diseases and benefit our health. Conducted by Research 2000 for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PCCC and Democracy for America DFA, the survey finds only 33 percent of likely voters favor a health care bill that does not include a public health insurance option and does not expand Medicare, but does require all Americans to get health insurance.Preterm and early term birth are strong risk factors for the development of chronic kidney disease CKD from childhood into mid-adulthood, suggests a study from Sweden published by The BMJ today. From the first moments after birth, a baby today will likely have PHI entered into an EHR, including weight, length, body temperature and any complications during delivery. It's time to really put our money where our mouth SHOULD be - eating foods that are healthy for us, our families, our communities, and the planet.Since 2006, the Justice Department has sued more than a dozen hospice companies for going too far in the pursuit of patients. Ale ja Ci przeciez juz wyzej przedstawilem faktyczny przyklad, dlaczego powstal Medicare - 40% osób starszych nie mialo ubezpieczenia, a ubezpieczyciele zadali stawek, na które wiekszosc obywateli po prostu nie bylo stac. People often ask me if praying leads to better health and longer life. And if you're not waking up at the same time every day, your body doesn't know when to start feeling sleepy, either, making you more likely to push your bedtime later and further deprive yourself of rest.
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